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Why organic agriculture? Why now?

“Organic agriculture is a holistic production management system which promotes and enhances agro-ecosystem health, including biodiversity, biological cycles, and soil biological activity. It emphasizes the use of management practices in preference to the use of farm inputs, taking into account that regional conditions require locally adapted systems. This is accomplished by using, where possible, agronomic, biological, and mechanical methods, as opposed to using synthetic materials, to fulfill any specific function within the system.” (FAO/WHO Codex Alimentarius Commission, 1999)

The organic value chain in Moldova is currently very small (only 1% of arable land) and lags other countries in the region and within Europe. Though in its infancy here, we have opportunities that encourage us to believe that we can successfully convert conventional agriculture to organic, thus benefitting a broad range of stakeholders: consumers, agricultural producers, processors, and others.

Here is why we’re optimistic about the future of organic in Moldova

Natural resources
The soil in Moldova is among the richest in the world. So rich, in fact, that it has been designated a World Heritage site. A great proportion of our agricultural land consists of cernozem, the best soil in the world for growing fruits and vegetables.

Consumer preferences

The population of Moldova is young, with a lot of young families who are a typical entry point for organic food consumption.

Governmental support

A wide range of stakeholders in are committed to developing organic’s potential in Moldova. Importantly the Ministry of Agriculture shares our vision of growing the sector and stands behinds our efforts to support the conversion of conventional to organic agriculture.

Export Succes

MOVCA has facilitated the successful participation at international organic trade fairs which has generated incremental income for Moldovan organic farmers. MOVCA has helped build the capability of our farmers to export successfully and we fully expect more Moldovan farmers to achieve EU Organic qualification and begin to access these well-developed markets.

eLearning platform to Drive Organic

We are excited about the significant interest in the organic eLearning platform launched in 2020 by MOVCA. A record number of agricultural students and other participants in agriculture are currently taking the courses and soon will be participating in the organic value chain.

eCommerce platform to sell organic

We have our own sales platform that helps our members to sell their products, and helps Moldova's citizens to find the most healthy products on the market

How to get started in Organic Agriculture?

The organic agriculture industry is one of the fastest-growing agriculture segments around the world, especially in western Europe. There are many reasons, not the least of which is the potential for a higher ROI on your investment. Numerous studies have shown that organic food products command a higher price point from 25% to 200%. Consumers are willing to pay for healthful and delicious organic foods, knowing that their purchase also contributes to the sustainability of the food supply ecosystem. And to preserve farms for future generations which is important to all consumers. Becoming an active participant in the organic agriculture value chain in Moldova can be an exciting career opportunity and promises to be a rewarding livelihood. MOVCA provides essential advice and assistance to help you get started and support you in your journey to organic.

The following checklist is a good reference point for a successful organic mindset:

  • Do you have a commitment to a safer food supply and seek to protect the environment?
  • Are you patient and do you have good observation skills?
  • Are you interested in understanding how agricultural ecological systems work?
  • Do you have good marketing skills?
  • Can you make the commitment to spend time seeking customers and markets for your products?
  • Are you willing to share your stories of successes and failures with others and to learn from them as well?
  • Do you have a flexible mindset and are willing to experiment with new techniques and practices?
– eLearning platform identifies the specific steps to becoming an organic producer in Moldova.  
You will learn the following topics (Romanian only):
Principles of organic agriculture
  • Introducere și date statistice. 
  • Patru principii fundamentale la baza agriculturii ecologice.
  • Bariere în agricultura ecologică.
  • Mituri în agricultura ecologică.
  • Aspecte importante în agricultura ecologică.
Crop rotation
  • Asolament: Introducere. Indicatori Gliessman.
  • Asolament: Principiile alternarii culturilor.
  • Asolament: Culturi asociate.
  • Asolament: Principii de construcție.
  • Asolament: Introducere și însușire.
  • Asolament: Efectul fertilizării în experiențele de câmp.
  • Asolament: Aspecte practice.
  • Asolament: Producția culturilor și acumularea apei.
Green fertilizers
  • Îngrășăminte verzi.
  • Culturi de acoperire. Experiența americană.
  • Culturi de acoperire. Experiența americană. Hans Kandel.
  • Îmbunătățirea potențialului comunităților locale de adaptare la schimbările climatice.
Organic practices
  • Managementul bolilor și dăunătorilor în agricultura ecologică.
  • Compostarea.
  • Avantajele de creștere a lucernei.
Economic branches of organic agriculture
  • Sinteza sistemului de agricultură în RM și modul de restabilire al acestuia.
  • Creșterea culturilor cerealiere în sistemul ecologic.
  • Pomicultura în circuit ecologic.
  • Horticultură. Prevenirea bolilor în livadă.
  • Procesarea produselor ecologice.
  • Creșterea animalelor în agricultura ecologică.
  • Cooperativele agricole în agricultura ecologică.
Legislation in organic agriculture
  • Legislația în A.E. – Scop și domeniu de aplicare.
  • Legislația în A.E. – Regulile de producție agroalimentară ecologică.
  • Legislația în A.E. – Conversia, Inspecția și Certificarea.
  • Legislația în A.E. – Etichetarea.
  • Legislația în A.E. – Importul și Exportul.
Standards and certification in organic agriculture
  • Diferite standarde în agricultura ecologică.
  • Certificarea ecologică.
  • Completarea fișei de evindență pentru MAIA.
Promotion and marketing of organic products
  • Etichetarea produselor ecologice.
  • Marketing și vânzarea produselor ecologice.
Subsidies in organic agriculture
  • Subvenționarea agriculturii ecologice: Reguli și principii.
  • Subvenționarea agriculturii ecologice: Ghidul solicitantului.

Steps to Organic Certification

Organic certification is typically a simple five-step process:

  1. Organic processes are adopted and implemented, a USDA-accredited certifying agent is selected, and application/fees are submitted.
  2. Certifying agent reviews application and practices to verify compliance.
  3. On-site inspection of the operation is conducted.
  4. Certifying agent reviews the application and inspection reports to determine compliance.
  5. Organic certificate is issued.

Once certified, a farm or business must go through an annual review and inspection process to maintain certification. 

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Useful resources